Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jing Si Aphorisms . 静思语(十五)

The dimension of our living space
and the condition of our life path,
all lie within our thoughts.

Live a simple life to enjoy peace and bliss.

It is impossible to cast off our easily annoying character,
and to nurture a gentle attitude within a short span of time,
but require life after life.

Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jing Si Aphorisms . 静思语(十四)

Be grateful for every day.

Helping others not only is a good virtue, but also a great enjoyment spiritually.

People always yearn for endless desires, which cause misery.

Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jing Si Aphorisms . 静思语(十三)

In showing gratitude, we become a more beautiful person.

A confused mind suffers agony; an enlightened mind feels at ease.

The most simple and ordinary life brings the most inner peace.

Learn to be agreeable, learn to be humble, but don't learn to resolve matters with your fists.

Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

pre-sunset golden period @ Pulau Aman jetty

location: Pulau Aman jetty
date: 2010.07.28
lens: Sigma 10-20mm
filter: GND8
edit: non-HDR

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

sunset golden period . 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏

location: Pulau Aman jetty
date: 2010.07.28
lens: Sigma 10-20mm
filter: GND8
edit: non-HDR

time: 7:32pm
time: 7:44pm
time: 7:46pm
time: 7:47pm
time: 7:48pm
time: 7:51pm
time: 7:53pm
time: 7:55pm


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