Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jing Si Aphorisms . 静思语(三十二)

In the face of diversity, be grateful, for such opportunities do not come by easily.

We cannot love when filled with suspicion.
We cannot forgive when unwilling to believe.
We cannot trust when filled with doubts.

We cannot control the length of life, but we can always expand the breadth and depth of life.

The first step on the path of Buddhism is to lessen our desires and accept what we have. 
Then our minds will relax and we begin to gain wisdom.

Jing-Si Aphorism by Master Cheng-Yen


Anonymous said...

Good morning Keep up with the excellent posts. Thanks you very much

singlong said...

i don't know who you are..but i'm appreciate for your encouragement..thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Keep up with the outstanding posts. Thank you

singlong said...

thanks a lot!!


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